
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Oh My God! I Think Sparkles Has Rabies!

Oh My God! I Think Sparkles Has Rabies!

In a dimension parallel to that of humanity’s live leprechauns, these shrewd businessmen are nothing like those leprechauns from the cereal box and lack any sort of charms. Luck has been outlawed and only relegated to the cruel and inhumane "sport" of unicorn racing (which they feverishly gamble on at the unicorn tack). Today's race is different because "Sparkles" the fastest Unicorn is a little to doped up on performance enhancing Jelly-Beans® and driven mad by his obsession to score some “love'n” from Meg Ryan. Sparkles’ yearning, speed and agility have allowed him to pierce the fabric separating the human and leprechaun worlds, and he is on the lam in a city near you. Will the leprechauns retrieve their prized pony of luck and one horn before he tracks down Meg Ryan to get his “love'n”?! Pockets Fulla Pillz® studios invite you to meet this egregiously idiotic equine, who is a dash of recklessness mixed with a sprinkle of luck! This has got to stop because "Oh My God! I think Sparkles has Rabies!"

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